
Thursday 5 September 2019

Quasar Unipower returns to the roads in Austria

Good news from Austria! The Quasar Unipower found in a shed in the UK and brought over to Vienna by Wolfgang Buchta is ready to be enjoyed on the roads once more.
Wolfgang wrote: "The Eagle has landed! A small step for mankind but a giant leap for the Buchta Family! After a long time of being quiet I finally can report on some progress on the Quasar. The Cube is thoroughly cleaned, partially repainted and up and running! Next it will be road registered and then... Then you will be most welcome in Austria! All the best, Wolfgang. That's just perfect. Now let's see when I can make it over to the Buchta's place.

Thoroughly cleaned, partially repainted and up and running once again
Picture Wolfgang Buchta

 And this is what it looked like a year ago when dragged from a shed in the UK
Picture Wolfgang Buchta

 The 850 Automatic is refurbished and now up and running again
Picture Wolfgang Buchta

 A repaint in its original bright white was necessary also
Picture Wolfgang Buchta

 The Quasar's interior needed lots of cleaning and a repaint also
Picture Wolfgang Buchta

 But now 'The eagle has landed!' as Wolfgang says
Picture Wolfgang Buchta

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