Thursday 29 August 2024

Now in Maximum Mini Newsletter #39

Special Report: Ogle SX1000s meet at Knebworth Park

Meet all the people with their cars

A drive to the Ogle factory

A meeting with the Ogle workforce and a look inside...

...And its archives!

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Now in Maximum Mini Newsletter #38

Minis at the 'Ring (5) - crashing the Martini Mini ASC

The real Mini Miura - Lamborghini's Mini based prototype

Preparing the Ogle for Knebworth Park

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Now in Maximum Mini Newsletter #37

Faded 1970s rarities for sale

This beauty and others are ready for Knebworth Park

Marketing the Landar R6 in the USA

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Now in Maximum Mini Newsletter #36

Peels invade the Isle of Man

Maya GT enjoyed in Japan

Cheap Mini Marcos - what's the catch?