Monday, 11 March 2019

The 1000th post - a look behind the scenes

Wow. This is my 1,000th article since I started this weblog. I haven't counted the hours going into it, but trust me when say that there have been quite a few. All for your pleasure of course - and mine.

Now, over the years several people have expressed their curiosity on how I work and so I thought it would be a nice idea to give you for one time a little look from the other side of your screen.
Keep those questions, messages and snippets coming as it will secure this little corner in the world wide web to continue for another decade. Or so.

Video: Jeroen Booij


  1. Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone.

  2. Congratulations, Jeroen, and keep on digging for stories and subjects!

  3. Thanks for sharing this with us. Looking forward to the next thousand posts. Great to see the Mini Marcos again.

  4. Congratulations Jeroen and never stop this Mini journey

  5. Ha Jeroen, van harte man. 1000 alweer. En nog steeds in jouw eigen stijl. Top.
    Groet Thijs

  6. Well done J keep them coming .

  7. Hi Jeroen, so good to see the hub of all the knowledge you have accumulated, keep it going, it's what history is made of.

